Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Hello to all fish-lovers!<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> Hi, my name is Jan! I just registered and became a member. I&#8217;m 49 years old from Sweden and have been keeping and breeding freshwater aquariumfishes since a kid. I also love travelling and taking photos. My favorite country in the world is Thailand. I&#8217;ve been travelling to "Land of Smiles" every year for 20 years now! I actually just returned home from a 5 month trip. My favorite group of fishes is Bettas or Fightingfishes, but I&#8217;m interested in all unusal smaller fishes from Labyrinths and Dwarf Cichlids to Danios and Rasboras, and odd fishes like Puffers and Halfbeaks. Here&#8217;s a link to my Aquariumfish Gallery: I choose my nickname because of my love to Thailand and fightingfishes! Thaifighter original post: June 22, 2007, 8:33 am thaifighter 2008-05-03