Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en HELP PLEASE!! BLOOD PARROT IN TROUBLE<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> I have 2 parrot fish, about 2+ yrs old. I had noticed that 2 nights ago, one of them was opeining its gills alot. The next morning, she was at the top not acting right. She won't eat...and she seems to be struggling ...her gills are expanding very large and it is very RED..kind of bloody looking... I did a water change and added more aq. salt....any ideas of what this could be??? The other parrot seems to be normal, but really bothering the other one. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions . Thanks! dinky 2008-07-28 Answer no. 1 This can be: gills worms. These worms are deadly and you should go to the nearest store and buy some strong antibiotics in order to help the fish. jan 2008-07-28 Answer no. 2 thank you for your reply.. her eyes are buldging...I live in the middle of no where...what do I need..?? Is this gill worms ??? and is it contageious??? what antibiotics do I need??? dinky 2008-07-30 Answer no. 3 Antibiotics are almost all the same. Just ask the seller. Gill worms are contageious. jan 2008-08-20 Answer no. 4 I'd strongly advise you to put that parrot into a hospital tank so it doesn't spread to your other fish, these type of sicknesses are very deadly and can spread to all your fish! PetZoneSanDiego 2008-12-12 Answer no. 5 gill worms are extremely contagious, I have always had great sucess with Protozin for clearing these up , but as posted remove the infected fish into a quarantine tank and treat seperately. mickey 2008-12-12