Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en help needed as fast as possible!!!!111<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> i have a long finned oscar about a foot long in 3ft*2ft*2ft tank ,i have it since 4-5 yrs .now suddenly the water turned cloudly even though i cleaned it many fish is gasping for air and does not want to eat anything .moreover there r some small germs in my tank which does not go away. pls help me !!!!!!!!!!!!! any suggestions!! sham india sham 2009-03-12 Answer no. 1 how much filtration are you using at its obviously not strong enough to keep up with the oscars waste. I would consider upgrading to a four foot tank as well mickey 2009-03-14 Answer no. 2 surely i would do tat anyways thank u so much sham 2009-03-18