Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Couldy Water<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> hello all, new tank setup old tank. i have a 46 gal tank just got done setting it up on Tuesday. On Wed the tank was good but wed night it becaume couldy and thursday it is bad. I am running a MAG 350PRO for a filter and i have added some Stability from Seachem into the tank! The first time i have set up a tank it was couldy for a day and that was it , what is going on ? can i get some help? whatsup227 2009-03-26 Answer no. 1 sounds like a bacterial bloom, its part of the cycling process. It should disappear as soon as the filter has built up a bacterial colony to deal with it mickey 2009-03-26 Answer no. 2 thanks whatsup227 2009-03-30