Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Introduction<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> Hey everybody, thanks for having me. could someone tell me what's wrong with my water. My fish's fins are getting a little raggedy and I know no one is beating him up. Is it ammonia??? sonnysosa3000 2009-05-12 Answer no. 1 hard to say without knowing what the test results are for your water, are you sure its not finrot? Any chance of a pic mickey 2009-05-13 Answer no. 2 I don't think so but it's only 1 fish in my 55 gallon who has it and it's minimal, but you never let a small problem grow into a big problem. Thanks for replying. I am going to use an amonia test later on today and I'll get back at you, thanks again sonnysosa3000 2009-05-16