Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en the virgin molly??<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> I have a black sailfin molly that keeps producing fry,But i have not had a male in my tank for almost three months! Can anyone tell me if they are able to store sperm for future "ummm" mating?? kellie 2009-05-17 Answer no. 1 All female livebearers can store sperm for up to 6 months Expect more fry mickey 2009-05-18 Answer no. 2 Well that explains't getting harder and harder to find homes for far she has had over 60 babies.. .thanks so much mickey! kellie 2009-05-18 Answer no. 3 this is a common problem with live bearers, they breed so easily that keepers get overrun with them.Have you tried asking your local pet store if they will take some young off you rhands for some credit mickey 2009-05-19