Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Fresh Water Aquarium Care<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> Hi ppl! i was looking for a forum on freshwater fish mainly as i have got freshwater fish at the moment.the forum looks good.i have started this topic in anticipation that you guys will join in with advice on freshwater fish tank care and maintainence.looking forward to some good advice............ shaz 2009-05-31 Answer no. 1 hiya, check out: and: for all the information you want! feel free to ask questions. what kind of fish do you keep? I keep/have kept glowlight tetras, bettas (fighting fish), guppies, endlers livebearers, platys, minature plecos, corydora, dwarf gourami, golden loach, cherry barbs etc....... welcome! and hello weirdartist 2009-05-31 Answer no. 2 whatever you do, make sure to start with doing a checklist of the things you want to have. research on each and find what suits your set up. don't commit the mistake of just getting whatever it is that you think will look good. there are a lot of compatibilities that you must consider. you can ask questions as you go along and we will help you out. for now check http://freshwateraquariumsite.comfor a minicourse that would greatly help you get through... janisE 2009-06-01 Answer no. 3 the best advice for keeping fish is don't rush into anything, plan before you buy. mickey 2009-06-01