Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Newbie here<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> Hi all, I have been lurking here and reading the outstanding posts here and decided to sign up. I have just recently gotten a used 55 gal retangle aquarium. It came with two Whisper 60 filters, heater and air pump. I have been reading about the cycle process and the fellow as the local fish store suggested using food to start the cycle process along with API Stess Zyme. After a week of testing and adding food, no amonia. So tonight I have added amnonia and hopefully will start the cycle. I am going Freshwater and now that I have gotten this far have thought of doing live planets...a little to late I guess, I have just small natrual gravel in the tank now along with some plastic plants, a fake driftwood and a few rocks. Any sugesstions, warnings or what have you is more than welcome. I look forward to reading the rest of the forum and learning as I go along. rglens 2009-08-12 Answer no. 1 If I were you, I would choose a higher gravel and live plants, because plants are very good at keeping the water healthy and it aslo looks much better and more natural. Elektra 2009-08-20 Answer no. 2 Just to add to that, the live plants need to be added to the tank before the cycle has finished so that they can establish themselves before the fish are added . mickey 2009-08-28