Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en water requirement for angelfish<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> i bought 3 angelfish for 30gal tanks (i have 3 dwarf gourami, 6 neo tetra), the water is fine except for the ph is on the high end (7.8~8) my angelfish dead one by one in 2 weeks do u guys think pH is main reason causing my anglefish death? in that case, what's best way to lower water pH down? thanks rfic 2010-04-11 Answer no. 1 IMO with most fish being tank bred nowadays, pH is not such a great issue as it was, most specimens of fish can cope with a different pH level, most fish profiles are based on readings from their natural habitats. If you want to reduce the pH try adding some bogwood to the tank or use aquatic peat in your filter. Most premature angelfish deaths nowadys are due to poor quality specimens being sold by inexperienced breeders. mickey 2010-04-27 Answer no. 2 check this out- mickey 2010-04-27