Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Red Devil??<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> My brother recently purchased a fish that was supposedly a firemouth cichlid, although it didn't look like his other firemouths, it was completely orange. It promptly killed most of the fish in his tank. We called it "Devil", the name seemed fitting I took it and added it to my communal cichlid tank and once my big Oscar "Fiddy" put it in it's place, it has lived harmoniously with all of the cichlids in the tank. I have surfed the web trying to find other firemouths that look the same as it and I am starting to think that it is not actually a firemouth at all. I suspect that it may be a Red Devil but having absolutely no experience with this breed, I am not sure. I have a photo of it and was hoping that someone here could confirm my suspicions?? Thanks :D breeza 2010-09-08 Answer no. 1 Well it is definitely not a firemouth so you could be on the right track with the Red Devil mickey 2010-09-18 Answer no. 2 Thanks Mickey :) breeza 2010-09-18