Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Plants and Community Tank<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> I have 2 things I would like help with. I have a 36 gallon planted tank with 1 discus. I say planted tank, but I've only just begun. I fill in the blank spaces with plastic plants. As the real ones grow, I'll pull out the plastic. I have an 18W 5000K flourscent plant light. I've been told it is not enough and also it is good. There are so many different opinions. One says Amazon Swords need bright light ; one says low. Who do you believe ? All I know is my plants are growing slowly. I inject CO2 and fertilize. Secondly I want to create a community tank around my discus. What tankmates would you choose ? Thanks, g_good. g_good 2010-10-13 Answer no. 1 Echinodorus ( ) don't need a superb bright light, but they also require more than 18W in 36 gallons. Get 40-50W lights (this is total wattage) and your plants will grow faster. Tankmates for Discus: Corydoras and Bristlenose's. last modification by jan jan 2010-10-25 Answer no. 2 Agree with Jan, you will need more lighting, discus do not like ot be on their own either, get him some more discus for company. mickey 2010-11-03