Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en what kind of fish can i have in a 30g tank<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> i just bought a 30 gallon tank and it came with ALOT of mollies . I was wondering if i can get 3 ghost shrimp 10 neon tetras and 3 MALE guppies. The tank a a filter, light, hood, air pump, heater, fake plants and some real plants. I have 1 ghost shrimp in there now and its doing fine i see him every once in a while so hes not dead . I have probably 26 mollies in the tank and most of them are babies and i have about 6 adults and at least have of them are about to lay eggs. Would the tetras nip the mollies and guppies tails?? Plz right back FishGirl 2011-08-05 Answer no. 1 That's too much of Mollies in there. You'll have to find them a new home soon. Neon tetras and Guppies would be just fine, Neon tetras don't use to nip fins of larger fish - I haven't seen them nipping fins at all. jan 2011-08-21 Answer no. 2 Agree with Jan, thats a lot of fish. Why not stick with the neons and the shrimp, maybe increase the size of the neon group. mickey 2011-08-23