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1.44 gallon tank

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report abuse | report copyright infringementaquarium fish forum / Small sized tanks / 1.44 gallon tank
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11's avatar anonymous
#1 Posted 01 May 2008, 10:36 am
Hey I have a empty 1.44 gal tank and I dont know what to put in it!!! Help with the stocking please!

original post: January 1, 2007, 3:54 pm
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1's avatar jan
#2 Posted 01 May 2008, 10:38 am

1.44 Gallons? Such tank is very small for any fish. Or is it 144 Gallons? Let us know, so we’d help you. Anyway, if it’s a tank of 1.44 Gallons only, then you could put some snails and plants there. Pistia, Lemna minor, Riccia, Azolla, or Glossostigma
the developer of Cool

Yes, I am very busy. So accept my apologies since I cannot visit this forum too much. But I'll do my best because I own this website Biggrin .
16's avatar fishlady
#3 Posted 01 May 2008, 10:40 am
I set up an even smaller tank, which I really enjoy. As the platy and snails grow, I will move them to other tanks. For now, it seems to be working fine. See it here:
70's avatar meliss_cole
#4 Posted 07 May 2008, 11:47 pm
I read a magazine article that featured nano tanks. I think they only did aquatic plants in them but the pictures were cute. They mention the need for excessive gardening but but it wouldn't be hard labor due to the size. They even had a picture of some aquatic plants in a lightbulb. I would be interested to see how someone would take care of that one. These little underwater garden scapes fit right in the palm of a hand they were so small. With rocks and plants and little tiny sticks it looked so interesting.
153's avatar BioHazard
#5 Posted 03 Jul 2008, 5:39 pm
if tank is 1,44 as you say than you can only use it for keeping fry to optimal size you can buy small sponge filter and low pressure air pump and you have nice little ecosystem....for sort time course. Cool Bye
205's avatar duane888
#6 Posted 03 Aug 2008, 5:53 am
my gouramis are three you want to buy its only P30.00 each I live in tarlac city Philiphine

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