Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Types of breeding methods.<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> I must point out that this is not a piece of mine but a quick summary from badmanstropicalfish Methods of reproducing. Egg Scatters Fish which breed in this way either spawn in pairs or in groups. Males and females release milt and eggs into the water at the same time. These are mixed together and the eggs are fertilized. The fertilized eggs float away in the current or sink to the bottom, where they lie with the substrate. There is no parental care given, so large amounts of eggs are produced. The Characins and Cyprinids are two of the species that lay their eggs this way. Nest Builders Many fish species build nest in one form or another, whether it is a simple pit dug into the gravel or the elaborate bubble nest. No special breeding setup is needed, when ready to spawn the fish construct a nest by blowing bubbles, often using vegetation to anchor the nest. The male will keep the nest intact and keep a close eye on the eggs. The female should be removed after spawning. Care is needed to raise the fry and the tank should have a glass cover to help keep the nest moist and warm. The Gouramis, Anabantids and some catfish are the most common of this type of spawners. Egg depositors In this case, the eggs are either laid on a flat surface, like a stone or plant leaf or even individually placed among fine leafed plants like Java moss. The parents usually form pairs and guard the eggs and fry from all danger. The Cichlids are the best known species for this. Some Catfish and Rainbowfish are also Egg depositors. The setup for these fish will vary with the species, but usually you have to provide a flat stone, broadleaf plant, cave or a broken flower pot. Sometimes you can remove the item that the eggs have been laid on to a separate hatching tank. Mouthbreeders The females usually lay their eggs on a flat surface where they are then fertilized by the male. After fertilization the female picks up the eggs and incubates them in her mouth. Even after hatching the fry will return to the safety of their mothers mouth if danger is near. Brood numbers are usually small, since by the time the fry are released they are well formed and loses are minimal. The best known Mouthbreeders are the African lake Cichlids. Egg buriers The annual Killifish are known for this method of reproduction. As the pools where they live dry out, the fish spawn. Pressing their eggs into the substrate. The pools dry out completely and the adults die, but the eggs remain in the dried mud. When the rains return and the pool refills the eggs hatch and the cycle is repeated. Killifish eggs can stay viable for many years in the dried out mud. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Livebearers The livebearers do not lay eggs at all, they are fertilized internally and carried to term inside the mothers body. The broods are small and the fry are well developed when born. The Guppy swordtail and Platy are the best known members of this group. From Ackerz original post: January 3, 2007, 8:12 pm Ackerz 2008-05-01