Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Bristlenose Pleco - fluid filled sacs (pics attached)??!<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> Hello! I am new to the forum, and did a quick search for this, but didn't find anything. Perhaps I don't know how to search just yet, so I apologize if this is a repost! My Bristlenose Pleco is about 5-6 years old, and has been fine..until I moved him from a 35 gallon Hex to a brand new 90 gallon. I am pretty anal about washing things down (i.e. new tank, decorations, etc.), but I hired a "fish guy" to help me with the transition from 35 gallon to 90. He told me I did not have to rinse these items, and so I let him "do his thing" (figuring I am overly cautious). Fast forward almost three months, and my Pleco popped out of hiding (I hadn't seen him in 2 weeks at that point, but just figured it was poor timing on my part in looking in the tank). Holy Crud! His cheeks are puffed out...and it looks as if he has tumors on the underside of his body! What the heck happened? It has been a week of isolation tank treatment with Melafix, and I honestly am surprised the poor guy is still alive. Nothing seems to be getting better, but again, he's still alive, so perhaps there is hope if anyone on this forum can guide me in the right direction? I am definitely a 'fish geek', and I want this guy to live! It has honestly been weighing on my mind that I should have WASHED the tank and decorations as I have always done...but I took someone else's suggestions and maybe this cost my fish his life. Any help is very much appreciated! Nicole NicoleM1234 2014-01-22 Answer no. 1 Another picture...and probably the most important one. This should have loaded with the above post. NicoleM1234 2014-01-22 Answer no. 2 One last try on this image. Doesn't seem to want to post. It's a picture of the fluid-filled sacs on the fish's underside. NicoleM1234 2014-01-22