Aquarium Forum
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What are protein skimmers and will it be helpful if I use it in my freshwater aquarium?
original post: February 21, 2007, 1:48 pm
anonymous2008-05-01Answer no. 1
Hello, well protein skimmers are mainly used in marine aquariums, and fresh water aquariums don’t require one, but if you have one in your FW aquarium, it will not be of any help.
anonymous2008-05-01Answer no. 2
Umm, well protein skimmer is basically a mechanical device used to remove large molecules that lave large number of atoms from marine water as marine water is quite expensive, so basically it acts as a marine water purifier. Hope you have got the right information.
jan2008-05-01Answer no. 3
protein skimmers are basically useless in freshwater setups as the contact time with the water and the oxygen created by the venturi will not happen.Saltwater holds the air longer thus extracting the proteins when it creates a foam which liqiufies in the collection cup