Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en painting pond<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> Is it possible to paint the premade ponds you buy in stores blue like a swimming pool? If so, what kind of paint should you use. I don&#8217;t like the black. It&#8217;s too hard to see the fish, etc. original post: June 26, 2007, 1:53 pm anonymous 2008-05-03 Answer no. 1 Hi, You wouldn't want to paint anything that would be under the water. maybe you could line the tank with tile of your color choice. Just my opinion. I don't like the black either, I wish they makde a blue linner. scichlids 2008-05-06 Answer no. 2 there are waterproof pond paints available to buy.If I can recall they are available in blue,green,black or clear mickey 2008-05-06 Answer no. 3 I don't like the pond paints. I guess I should have stated that in my first reply. I have used them before, and in my experience the paint started to chip after the first year. The paints do come in those colors but in my pond they started to chip and my koi picked at the paint, so I tiled my pond with 12 x 12 tiles and bonded them with silicone. I just wanted to share my experience with the paint. scichlids 2008-05-06 Answer no. 4 thats a good point to raise as these paints dont come cheap.was tempted to tile my pond out but the wife would have thought it was a swimming pool mickey 2008-05-06 Answer no. 5 It actually didn't look that bad. I used a darker aqua color and only used one color. scichlids 2008-05-06 Answer no. 6 I must admit I had it in my mind too.. Love the idea.. I was wondering though if I could use the pool paint I've seen online. pokerface 2009-07-07 Answer no. 7 I forgot to add the site I got it from: pokerface 2009-07-07 Answer no. 8 Oh sorry, this is the site: pokerface 2009-07-07