Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en goldfish<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> hi, ive just upgraded to a 2 foot tank thats higher by about 7inch than the usual 2 foot tank and want to know if i can keep 2 shubinkins, 4 comets a redcap and a black moor together. ive kept the ammonia in mind and have quite strong filtration but i'm still worried that there will be to much ammonia.[just worried cause goldfish giveout a fair bit of ammoia]. pedroman 2008-05-30 Answer no. 1 whats the water volume of your tank. Bear in mind with tanks running less than 6 months 1" adult size per gallon tanks running over 6 months 2" adult size per gallon. mickey 2008-05-30 Answer no. 2 there's definetely enough space it's [15 gallons] i think. also wonderin if they'll go together. also if anyone has anything they'd like to say let me know.p.s thx for the repley mickey pedroman 2008-05-30 Answer no. 3 Yeah, they should be peaceful towards each other, but you really need a big tank for such number of fish. Each such fish can grow up to 20 cm, maybe more (I don't know exactly, fix me if I am wrong ).... So 7 goldfish kept together, this needs 250 litres at least, preferably 500+. jan 2008-05-30 Answer no. 4 yeah i suppose it would be bit crowded though the fish i'm getting are only very small [1-2 inch] and by the time they get to 4 inch i'll probably have a pond or much larger tank to put them in. pedroman 2008-05-30