Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Feeding Bristlenose catfish<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> Hi We added 3 bristlenoses to our tank about ten days ago and although they are doing fine, I am concerned that they may not be getting enough to eat. We have been putting algae wafers in for them but the other greedy fish attack them before they get a look in, even when they have just had their own food. We have some wood in the tank for them to graze on and yesterday we put a frozen pea in for them (the others, especially the mollies and golden barbs, were chasing it around like a basketball !!) but it is hard to tell who has consumed it, especially when they spend so much time out of sight. Has anyone got any advice on how to make sure they are getting enough to eat, I would hate them to be starving. thanks wendikins 2008-07-06 Answer no. 1 I keep a lot of these beautiful fishes and they usually get what they need. I mean, if you put some food into the aquarium and if it gets to the bottom, it will be eaten. Since you have only 3 specimens, do not overfeed them. Try to give them frozen bloodworms which fall to the bottom immediately (my own experience). Also JBL flakes are very good because they fall down easily. And another option are tablets. These (especially vegetables-based) fall down just like rock. If I were you, I would feed them 3 tablets per day. 1 tablet for 1 bristlenose. Once per day is enough. jan 2008-07-06 Answer no. 2 my first bristlenose was 1" long when he went in the tank.I have never seen him feed,now he is 4" long so they do get food without you knowing.I add bloodworms twice a week ,algae pellets and once a week weigh down some cucumber mickey 2008-07-07 Answer no. 3 Thanks for the replies. I have noticed that they are producing quite a bit of waste, inches and inches at a time, so I take it they are obviously getting enough to eat !! I haven't been putting more than one algae wafer a day though for fear that the others will overeat. I will try the bloodworms too though. We were told about the maximum size when we bought them and they will certainly be impressive if they reach that size. thanks again for your help wendy wendikins 2008-07-12 Answer no. 4 forgot to ask, is there some wood in the tank as they need it to help them digest their food. mickey 2008-07-13 Answer no. 5 Yes, we have a large piece of wood as the main feature of the tank and we often spot all three grazing on it, though you have to search as they are most often at the back.Are they usually so shy? One was at the front of the tank when i went to put the tank light on this evening and was resting on one of the algae wafers but he dashed away ehn the light went on. wendy wendikins 2008-07-13 Answer no. 6 definately don't like lights, I have six in another tank on their own and never use the lights at all mickey 2008-07-14 Answer no. 7 Are they usually so shy? No. As they get older, they become very friendly. You can even feed them from your hand (if you teach them to do it) . jan 2008-07-27