Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Well Toto I don't think we are in Kansas anymore<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> Greetings from Kansas City. I am hardly new to the obsession having kept fish for 40 plus years, but I am still learning. So much to learn so little time! I am interested in hearing from anyone that has bred Corries and what they used as a first food. I had roughly 50 or so eggs in a 10 gallon tank which now look like eggs with tails that are darting hither and thither. I have a sponge filter and a small hang on the back running at it slowest speed. I removed the dozen or so adults and left the eggs where they were, checked them out in the morning and they were all gone. They had not fungused for the previous 5 days they were in there but woe is me they had gone. This morning I was up and about WAY to early and thought I was seeing things. There is algae that three or four of them were snacking on and also one or two darting about in and among the gravel. The longer I looked the more of them there were. I have a healthy micro worm culture going and all different sorts of flake and granular food so I do not think providing them the food is going to be a problem it is just finding out which one is best for them. Looking forward to all comments criticisms and suggestions. Woo/Steve Woo 2008-07-09 Answer no. 1 I have bred Cories. Panda Cories exactly. But I didn't care about the first food as long as there are usually only a few eggs laid when these Cories breed. I think that it was max. 10 eggs which were laid at once in the past. This fact has it's reason; Pandas are too small. Anyway... The first food was probably algae. A couple of months ago I moved a couple of eggs into the fish bowl where it's about algae, plants and Ramshorn snails only. Really nothing else. Some eggs turned to fungus but one. Now it's a playful small Panda . I am not doing any extra care to breed other bottom-dwellers too. My Bristlenose Catfish keep breeding all the time too.With no extra food for the fry. Somehow they are happy with algae. On the other hand, I suppose there would be more small specimens if I gave them appropriate food. jan 2008-07-09