Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Finger Fish gasping for air<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> I had a pair of finger fish in my 55 gallon tank-bought from a reputable local fish shop. The first one died a month ago-his gills and mouth went a bit red and he went to fish heaven. The second one doesnt show any red symptoms, but he's lethargic and spending his time at the top surface apparently gasping for air. I checked PH and water tested and all is good. he's my favorite fish and i dread losing him..any advice would be welcomed!! sreiman 2008-08-06 Answer no. 1 This is (I am almost sure) gill worms. The symptoms are just like that. These worms cause that a fish cannot breathe normally. Usually, gill worms exist in every fish, but immune system can keep them under control. So I'd use some strong antibacterial medicament. But do in a separate tank as these things kill all bacteria and it will take 3-4 months until they fully return to the tank. I did this stupid mistake, this is why I recommend you using another aquarium for treatment. jan 2008-08-07 Answer no. 2 thanks-the fish died a few hours after my post. bummer..but thanks nonetheless! do i now need to treat the tank with anything to prevent/kill the gill worms?? Im not a fan of adding chemicals to the tank if I can avoid. sreiman 2008-08-07 Answer no. 3 Sorry to hear of your losses have you any stock remaining in the tank-if not it will give you the chance to give everything a good clean including the substrate.If the gill worms do not have a host they should die off but treat the tank with a parasitic treatment anyway incase there are any lurking about. mickey 2008-08-11