Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en my fish will explode<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> *:tears:- My angel gold fish has a swollen side , it looked pinky at first as if it is injured ( i gave her anti parasite for 4 days ). It seems that her side is going to explode. It also has some clear discharge sticking out of her bum. she eats fine but sets in the corner of the tank most of the time . I had an ammonia problem for a while… I did water changes, used medication.. nothing works.. I have 4 large gold fishes in a 20 gallon tank.. is it small? I also have two good large filters. I have removed all rockes and decoration from the tank. muffin 2008-09-30 Answer no. 1 Next time find BETTER category for your posts, please. Regarding the problem: It may be the dropsy disease. Without picture it is hard to tell. 4 Goldfish in a 20 G tank - this is TOO MUCH. jan 2008-09-30 Answer no. 2 overloading the filters with that ammount of fish in the tank. removing the rocks and decorations has also removed some of the benficial bacteria in the tank. Agree with Jan about the angel mickey 2008-09-30