Aquarium Forum
A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole.enFish has ich!
I've got 2 Threadfin Rainbows and 2 Julii Corys. Recently i notoced 1 one the Rainbows has some white-spotlike things on it's body. I did some research and it looks like it's possibly Ich. I also found out that Ich is treatable with Aquarium salt which i have. The problem I'm facing now is that I read that Cory's are very sensitive to salinity. I don't have an emergency tank to separate them so I'd appreciate some advice on what i can do to save one fish without harming the rest. Thanks!
StewartK2008-11-10Answer no. 1
Before you add any salt try raising the tank temeperature right uo to 28 deg C this always works for me without using any meds or anything