Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Beta Fishkeeping advice needed!<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> Ive just bought a red/black/blue Beta Crowntail and am feeling guilty about his living in a 2.5L fishbowl! I dont have much space and was wondering what is the smallest larger sized tank i should get for my Juno. I dont want to breed him or anything but i love his personality and want him round as long as possible! He has a few shells and a fake plant but i hear live plants are best. My mum is saying she had beta's when we were younger in similar conditions that lived for a long time and died only when we were away in extremely cold weather, and is against my buying a bigger tank. On advice of the pet store assistant, im feeding him freeze dried bloodworms everyday, about 10 of this right? Thanks for your help, i need it! Lauren 2008-11-14 Answer no. 1 u should just keep him where he is! he will b fine. in tanks/bowls bigger his tail and fins will split. Daphne 2008-11-16 Answer no. 2 I answered your questions, but anyway here I am attaching some links that may help you ... jan 2008-11-16 Answer no. 3 umm could you tell me what kinds of fish i could put with my female crowntale betta? its a five gallon tank bubbles 2012-01-18 Answer no. 4 oh and keeep the fake plants there good for the betta fish real plants could die and its not good for the betta fish bubbles 2012-01-18 Answer no. 5 A 5 gallon tank is just fine for one Betta, it's hard to find a suitable tank mate if you're planing to keep it in such a small tank. I always preferred live plants over fake ones. :) jan 2012-01-18 Answer no. 6 I would say any betta tank 2.5 gal + should be great. There is NO LIMIT to the size of tank a betta has: bigger is better! As to feeding, I would make a major cut down. Fatty bloodworms can cause constipation, which can lead to swim bladder disease, which can lead to dropsy, which is usually fatal. Two of my bettas have died from overfeeding bloodworms. You might also want to try a pellet/flake diet as this is more balanced for the fish. BettaLove<3 2013-01-15