Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en How to breed Tiger Oscars?<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> Hi to all and a happy new year, My question I need to have answered is rather complex, due to all the relevant and associated questions that accompany the main question. How do I breed Tiger Oscars 1] To breed Oscars, I need to be able to tell the difference between Male and Female fish. 2]How many "pairs" per tank? 3]How big should the tank be? 4]What would promote spawning? 5]What temperature and condition should the water be? dekramitz 2009-01-10 Answer no. 1 1, Impossible to sex Oscars unless they are spawning 2,1 pair per tank 3, 1 pair needs a 100 gallon tank 4, cooler water changes, reduce the water level and increase it over a few days to replicate a rainy season. The water quality needs to be perfect mickey 2009-08-28 Answer no. 2 I would suggest starting out with 6-10 juvenile oscars and letting a pair develop from that set. You cannot sex them without venting them so the best way is to observe the behavior of a group of them. You can trade in the other oscar fish or give them to other aquarists. Mickey is correct that a pair will require around 100 gallons. My pair actually reside in a 90 gallon but it doesn't leave much room for decorating. Here is a link to a great article covering oscar breeding ottomund 2009-09-05