Aquarium Forum
A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole.enconverting from salt to fresh water
I have acquired a 75 gal tank that was previously a salt water tank and I would like to convert it to a fresh water tank. Anything special I should do to clean it. I know the rocks and sand base will have to go and plan to clean the filters and heaters in white vinegar. Any other thoiughts?
Also, the last time I had an aquarium under gravel filters were the way to go. Is that still common or does eveyone just go with a gravel base.
Thanks for the hepl.
Rick2009-01-17Answer no. 1
Just clean the tank well and there should be no problem. Fpr a 75 gallon tank I woulld suggest a decent canister filter.UGF can be a pain in the butt as they keep getting clogged