Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en My gouramis need air!<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> Hi all, I am back on the subject with gouramis. My dominant gourami ended up dying. Good thing bad thing, it was still sad. Before he died I noticed he was reaching for the surface for some air and the day after he was dead. I've decided to aquire a new pair this time golden gouramis as I was told by the shop that these were more peaceful. I couldn't tell their gender. This week one died and I could notice the same symptoms as my previous gourami, reaching for the surface etc.. All my other fish are doing fine but why do I keep losing my gouramis? What should I do when I see this happening? I am about to purchase 2 new tanks of 60 liters and a small one to make a hospital (sorry I am not native english and do not know how it is called). Do you have any suggestion? Thanks for you help. Florence Florence 2009-02-06 Answer no. 1 I forgot to mention that like the last pair I had, one was dominating the other but no nest were made this time. I was ready for the eventuality this could happen and had bought a hatchery to separate them in case Florence 2009-02-06 Answer no. 2 Gourami are labyrinth fish, they breathe air as well as absorb oxygen from the water. It is perfectly normal for them to swim to the surface to breathe. If you post the results of your water testing it will make it easier to work out what is going wrong with your stock. mickey 2009-02-09