Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Guppy female bleeding!<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> I've had her almost a week, and she's been fine the entire time. She's a beautiful what i call 'calico' because of her black and red speckling on her tail. However, when i got up today and checked on them, it seems as though her entire body is ready to bleed or something. It's like her veins suddenly became pronounced crimson, and her scales are darkened to a blood color. the tank, for some reason has been cloudy the past couple of days, even after a 50% water change, and adding a new charcoal filter in there. she's been sluggish, as have two other females, though they dont seem to be bleeding. I'd be very appreciative of help! Amber 2009-03-22 Answer no. 1 This sounds like septacemia, has she got red streaks in her fins? mickey 2009-03-26 Answer no. 2 Well, she died the next day, and then the day after that, two of my blue guppies died. I have a crimson one that has it, that i've quaritined, but the blues showed no signs of anything, though that might have been because of their coloring. unfortunatly the blues died while in the community tank. The crimson one seems to have a more developed version of what the calico had, with less redness. However, her fins almost look like they have clear bubbles on them. i dont think she'll last very long. I'm treating her and the main tank for velvet, ich, lymphocyts, but nothing's helping. Amber 2009-03-26 Answer no. 3 you were right. I took a close look after looking up pics of it in fish, and that is definitely what she has. This is what has knocked out three of my fish, and has a fourth one coming. Is this something that ALWAYS affects all fish, or do my others stand a chance? Amber 2009-03-26 Answer no. 4 I would suggest adding some maracyn2 to the tank as it is an anti-biotic and maybe add a small ammount of aquarium salt. As soon as the course has finished perform a large water change and add carbon to your filters to remove the meds. mickey 2009-03-27