Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Pretty Fish<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> Hi everyone, I'm taking a gamble here, this being my first post, but I have just got a new tank, and would like to have "pretty fish"", with nice colours . I have 9 guppys and 2 neons, 1 rainbow shark, 1 baby silver shark, 1 plec, 1 catfish and today added 1 baby angel. What else could i have? I do ask at the petshop, but get conflicting advice so am a bit confused. My tank is a Juwel Vision 260, planted and gravelled. Any advice would be greatly appreciated alison 2009-03-31 Answer no. 1 With the fish you have and with it being a planted tank I would go for dwarf cichlids like the apistogrammas if you ned more info go to the site in my sig mickey 2009-03-31 Answer no. 2 why not loaches in u r aqu'/ adf_raghu 2009-03-31 Answer no. 3 there are some very nice and colorfull guppys that will quickly fill your tank, fan tails and such tinbanger 2009-04-07