Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en My fish (plz reply)<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> hey guys, (and girls) i have 7 neon tetra fish 2 guppys 1 male Siamese fighter fish 1 bala shark 1 pleco catfish (i think thats what he is coz he looks like a leopard!) i really want to get a few small angelfish but i was wondering if they will be okay with the fish i have. if they can't go together what do u recommend getting ( i couldn't get more than 3 more small sized fish, about the size of the male Siamese fighter fish) also , what do you think of my fish? and how much food should i give them ? i have "tetra pro colour" flake food.How many flakes should i give them? i used to give them 10-15 flakes 3 times a day but now i only give them 10-15 twice a day. What would be the ideal water temperature? (right now, it's at 24 degrees Celsius) do you have any advice for me? (i'm a beginner so plz help!) Jamez735 2009-06-21 Answer no. 1 The problem with angelfish is, that when they are in the pet shop, they look small. But they are big fish with big mouth and later they could eat your tetras and also guppies. Angelfish need a large tank. That tank should be more than 50 cm high, because a full grown angelfish is about 15 cm high and it also need to swim up and down. I have 6 angelfish in a 370 l tank. And about the other fish... Tetras are shoal fish and need to be in a shoal of maybe 20 fish. Guppies are quite hardy and do not recomend any special conditions, even if you could have more of them. When I had my siamese fish, it was happy in a about 80 l tank just with its female. When he was in a comunity tank, he was unhappy and died afther a while. Plecos are hardy too and do not need any special care, but they will be much happier if they have driftwood in their tank. But I never had sharks, so I cant tell. But the amounth of the fish depends also on the tank size. So how large tank you have? You count flakes? :-) I have small flakes and I measure them with a tea spoon. You maybe should give them one small tea spoon every feeding time. But you also can buy granule food and from time to time some frozen food. It is good to change the food because you would be also not happy, if you eat the same thing every day. And it is good to feed them 2 or 3 times a day and the temperature is ok too. Elektra 2009-06-23