Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Jaws - My Bala Shark<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> there he was, a little baby bala shark struggling to get food in a tiny overcrowded tank with about 20 other bala sharks.he looked so frightened and his scales were slightly damaged. i had to rescue him. so i spent €20 on a nerly dead shark. (luckily he was my first fish in my new tank so he couldn,t pass on any diseases to other fish. when i brought him home he seemed frightened but started to settle down. the next morning when i looked at him one of his fins was missing! , i could see his bones! and he was very pinky around the area of his fin. then i realized he must of caught it on the strings of the shipwreck ornament in my tank! so i allowed him to recover and slowly his fin recovered. i thought his fin would never grow back to full size , but , today it's 95% fully grown back! (it happened about a month ago!) anyway does anyone have any stories where they saved their fish's life? Jamez735 2009-06-21 Answer no. 1 that is an awesome story.. I love hearing stuff like that.. he must be an awesome shark and I really give you credit for doing that.. Any pictures of this amazing fish called Jaws??? p.gallagher 2009-11-19