Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Need Help Deciding If Discus Are the Right Choice<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> Okay I have had my 30 gallon tank set up now for about 2 years. I started with beginner fish and loved it from the start. I have actually loved it so much that I got 2 more tanks since then. In my 30 gallon tank I was doing research and thinking about adding some Discus. They look awesome and I have read some great things. I am fully prepared to do all that is required and already have the correct water specs. My only issue is that I still have a few fish in the tank still that I love. - 1 Kissing Gourami (about 3 inches) - 2 Clown loaches (both about 2-3 inches) - 2 Giant Danios ( both about 2-3 inches) I love these guys, I have had them since I set up the tank and I really do not want to mess up a good thing. I just feel that I have so much empty space in the tank and that Discus would be a great addition. Can someone please help me. Any advice is wanted and please be as honest as possible, I have thick skin. Thank you, Patrick Gallagher Baltimore, Maryland p.gallagher 2009-11-19 Answer no. 1 I would suggest that your tank may be too small for discus, they need to be kept in groups of at least 6 fish and each fish requires 10 gallons of water. With the fish you already have I would be looking at using a 75 gallon tank. mickey 2009-12-04