Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en jimlagan<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> I have 2 fish (black mollys ), I think 1 has been swimming upside down for the last 3 months and now the other 1 is starting to do the same , is there any thing can be done? original post: November 30, 2006, 7:04 am anonymous 2008-04-30 Answer no. 1 I’m not the expert about Mollies, but I’d like to cite some answers found on the web (links included): ...well if you recentlly added somthing to the tank thats abnomal to the fish it could be going into shock...but if it really laying eggs/having babys then i uess it normal...depending on the fish... ...BUT it could also be droopsy disease. Get to your local pet store and get the medicine. BE CAREFUL because of the babies (born yet or not).... ...Any fish swimming upside down is extremely sick (With exception of a few catfish, which natuarally do this) Chances are, your molly is going to die very shortly... Those comments were taken from In my experience, I had the same problem with my Angel fish long time ago. It was too late for him. jan 2008-04-30