Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Another noob, but learning fast<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> Hiyas! I'm Ange. I've always wanted a big ol' tank of fishes. So, last year in May for my birthday, my boyfriend set up a 20 gal tank for me. Seems like a lifetime ago! My first go 'round, completely inexperienced and not realizing the billion things I'd done wrong, and of course many fishes sacrificed for my blunders, I finally got it right after a month or so. I've raised baby coi to big cois in it, and now they are in my brother's pond. I've also kept Gouramis (1 Opaline blue and 1 golden, which are neat with their red eyes). Yes, I've discovered what I've done wrong and have done good to correct it. And .. WOW! I love my fishes - I have now the Opaline Gourami, Gold Gourami, 3 silver lyretail millies and a gold dojo loach. Lovin' it! They are not only entertainment to me, but my two big cats :-) My b/f really wants green puffer, but I'm afraid it just may be too aggressive. The Gouramis share in being king fishes - Gold by day/light and Opaline by night/dark. They will actually coral one another into the logs - During the day Gold 'herds' Opaline, then the opposite when it's dark. It's funny to watch. Ange050868 2010-07-05 Answer no. 1 errr... correcting an error.. *silver lyretail mollies, and I left out my plecko!!! Ange050868 2010-07-05 Answer no. 2 You've got the bug mickey 2010-07-05 Answer no. 3 My kids and family think I'm strange. LOL! I talk about my pets' personalities (my cats = toddler that never grow old and never learn English) and thing I'm out of my mind when I talk about the fishes' personalities - They DO have their own personalities. I once had a red Gourami that actually watched tv!! Yes! He'd float there in the corner of the tank, looking out right at the tv. If the tv was turned off, he'd swim away. We'd turn it back on, and he'd swim back. His name was Gus. Ange050868 2010-07-06 Answer no. 4 I know exactly what you are saying, my discus used to do the same. As soon as the TV was switched on they were there looking at it mickey 2010-07-06