Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Discus, sick or scared?<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> Was hoping for some input on my discus...I have 3, which were all outgoing and active, but for the last 3 weeks one has become a recluse...I dont see anything visible wrong with him but obviously not the same....its a community take with many other fish but nothing aggressive....any thoughts? daferretboy 2010-07-08 Answer no. 1 It sounds like one of the Discus is being bullied by the other two, they are best kept in groups of at least 6 Discus as they are a natural shoaling fish If you need more info check out mickey 2010-07-18 Answer no. 2 ohhh!..that's terrible, what happened? ANGELFISH jaybee 2010-09-30