Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en i dont know whats wrong with my black skirt tetra<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> My black skirt tetra has black spots all over it and they keep getting bigger and keep getting more. is this normal for these fish or is she sick? therealtnt1 2010-09-30 Answer no. 1 Must admit this is a new one on me as Balck Skirts are very hardy and can normally shake off any disease. Your fish has contracted a parasitic infection and should be treated the same is if it had Ich, use the appropriate medication for the whole course and it shouuld clear up. mickey 2010-10-11 Answer no. 2 Well it doesnt really resemble ich in any way. they are like tumers and they dont bother the fish untill they grow around the mouth and they cant eat. therealtnt1 2010-11-10