Aquarium Forum
A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole.enMass bredding guppies
We have a new tank, its a 3 foot length, 14 inches high and 12 inches width and have approx 40-50 adults with around 10 females, 5 at least full adults and the rest all males, the males are various colours and sizes, some marble endlers, some black with orange tails. but they are breeding like wildfire! in the last 3 weeks we have now 20-30 babies of different ages and the females are constantly being chased by the males. we have just introduced a pleck ( black common ) and silver midnight goramies to try and stem the babies.
our question is, have we got to many fish in the tank as it now? we have a large ( it covers one whole width of the tank ) filter/heater combo, oxygen pump, and plastic plants and two large plastic rocks.
We have not changed the water yet ( as we have had the tank 3 weeks but the person we got it from had it for 6 years and gave away 100's of fish before he gave it to us and then with the guppies we have now ) as we were told the filter would see them okies for 3 months at a time ???? all we have done is added tap water with tap safe and left for 24 hours before adding the guppies. the filter was left as it was as it was cleaned the month before.
Any advice on keeping the tank clean and our fish not dying would be welcome and fish advice for keeping the baby populatin to a min would be helpful.
We were also going to add some albino catfish to keep the bottom of the tank clean as well and some mollies and angel fish, is this a good idea with the tank we have??? ( dont know the gallon or litre size sorry )
debbie2011-02-18Answer no. 1
It's too much I think. The problem isn't that much in waste, however inbreeding should be avoided - and this is hard to achieve.
The filter has to be cleaned, the media have to be replaced as per instructions given by manufacturer. Ceramic rings last long, but if you're using activated carbon, then it's necessary to replace it every month if possible.
I wouldn't add more livebearers such as Mollies. Angelfish will be a great addition as they'll control the population of newborn Guppies .