Aquarium Forum A forum devoted to aquarium fish, plants, techniques and fish keeping as a whole. en Raising Siamese fighter fry.<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- --> </script> Incubating the Eggs. Betta eggs hatch in 24 to 48 hours. The male carefully replaces any eggs or fry that fall from the nest. Baby bettas cannot swim and will usually die if the male does not care for them. Feed him during this period, so he is not tempted to sample any caviar or fresh baby fish. Once the babies start swimming, remove him from the fry tank. Add a large snail to help clean up scraps. Option # 1. Feed them Infusoria. Breeders who start their baby bettas on infusoria usually rear 90% of their spawns -- some 400 to 600 babies. Get your cultures started at least two weeks before you set up your breeders. Raise it in non-aerated quart jars filled with aged water. (Ask for Aqualand&#8217;s &#8220;Infusoria Fact Sheet.&#8221;) Option # 2. Feed Newly Hatched Shrimp. Breeders who start their betta fry on newly hatched brine shrimp will rear spawns about half the size of those who start theirs on infusoria. Try your hatching methods early so you know they work, and you know your &#8220;eggs&#8221; (really cysts) will hatch for you. (Ask for our &#8220;Hatching Brine Shrimp Eggs Fact Sheet.&#8221;) For best results, feed infusoria their first two weeks and start adding brine shrimp their second week. Option # 2.5. Feed Microworms. Possibly better than Option # 2. Use same as brine shrimp. Better, use Option # 2 and # 2.5. Best, go with Option # 1, then add #2 and # 2.5 two weeks later. Option # 3. Powdered or Liquid Fry Food. You will successfully rear about 5% to 10% of your spawn if you start them on powdered or liquid fry food -- about 50 bettas. Your betta fry don&#8217;t eat those foods. Actually, the infusoria naturally occurring in your water eat the bacteria that eat the liquid food, and the baby bettas eat the infusoria. There are just not enough of the infusoria surviving this way to feed many baby bettas. Only the strongest survive. From Ackerz original post: January 3, 2007, 7:18 pm Ackerz 2008-05-01