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1442's avatar michaelg210
#1 Posted 07 Jul 2010, 8:46 pm
just introducing self.... also, does this site have a user CP or do I just advise now about my tank, hardware, fish, etc.

I am new and ask a lot of questions, so bear with me, it seems each answer begets another question.

It also seems fishkeeping is like cooking, same basic ingredients, thousands of different ways to mix em up, tweak, and prepare.
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1442's avatar michaelg210
#2 Posted 07 Jul 2010, 8:48 pm
PS.... I just read as much as time permits and group info together by predominate opinion(s) and what makes common sense. I do not however have any background in biology chemistry or the like, hence back to lots of questiions.
22's avatar mickey
#3 Posted 18 Jul 2010, 12:27 am
Hi there, yo are right there are many ways of doing things in this hobby and most keepers have their own opinion on the correct way Biggrin

If you need any help check out

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