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Next topic (started later): best aquarium filterPrevious topic (started earlier): aquarium lamp
45's avatar lesliesur
#1 Posted 03 May 2008, 7:00 pm
I have had for more than a year small nano cube. Full of plants and small fish. Now I planing to go bigger. The tank I have in mind is 471/2 gallons and is 90cm long, 50 cm height and 40 cm deep. Since in Mexico is difficult to find quality equipment I have to ask a friend to bring it from the US. From the banister, the lights, everything (except ground, plants and fish). So if somebody can help me telling me what I need to keep a tank this proportions with healthy plants and good water quality with the less intruding objects inside, I will be very thankful. Even recommended brands (quality but not the most expensive) will be grate.
thanks for your time, expertise and kindness and sorry for my bad English.

original post: July 9, 2007, 7:16 pm
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46's avatar pedroman
#2 Posted 03 May 2008, 7:01 pm
i’d suggest a ph test kit, ammonia test kit,and nitrate test kit[but if you dont want to go buying all these test kits the most important one would be a ph tester].siphon hose and gravel vaccumer for the weekly water change. and make sure that the plants and fishes are getting 12 hours of light each day.
22's avatar mickey
#3 Posted 04 Jun 2008, 7:57 pm
filtration first-
for that size of tank you would just get away with a large internal filter,but an external canister filter might prove to be a good addition
I would recommend getting a fluval 205 external,this should be ample depending on how heavily stocked your tank will be.
If you are going to add live plants you will need at least 2" of fine gravel substrate ,not sand it will compact and clog the roots.While the tank is cycling you will need to test for ammonia,nitrites and nitrates.Ph will fluctuate during the cycle but will settle down as the tank matures.
Plants will need ample lighting at least 10 hours per day but if algae becomes a problem reduce the lighting time by one hour.
At least 10 % water changes per week so with your tank 5 gallons per week is o.k.

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1773's avatar cidlyana
#4 Posted 24 Mar 2011, 7:20 am
so many online shops, hope you can find what you want there.
1775's avatar drnszgy
#5 Posted 25 Mar 2011, 7:57 pm
Thanks. Nice to know

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