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New aquarium light

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report abuse | report copyright infringementaquarium fish forum / New members / New aquarium light
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1246's avatar Andy
#1 Posted 10 Feb 2010, 8:46 am
Hi I'm Andy from North Central Florida. I have a 110 gal., fresh water tank. For lighting I use the T-5 48" florescent lights. Here lately I have been going through bulbs faster than before, in fact the last one only lasted two weeks. I have a glass top and the light is just laying on top of that. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks Andy
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22's avatar mickey
#2 Posted 10 Feb 2010, 4:40 pm
It sounds like laying the tubes on the glass top is weakening them, can you make some kind of brackets on the sides of the tank so that there is a gap

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1246's avatar Andy
#3 Posted 11 Feb 2010, 2:04 pm
Thank you Micky, but no, it's actually a Coralife fixture, I have it laying on top. I guess you might call it a compact fixture, it's 3 inches wide by 48" and it takes 2 tubes. I have a 67000 k tube which is a pink light and 10000 k tube which is a white light. The white light is the one that only lasted two weeks although the previous pink one only lasted about seven months. The white light has that grey color on the ends like it's really old, but it's only 2 weeks old. Has anyone ever heard of this? Huh
Thanks Andy
1436's avatar Ange050868
#4 Posted 05 Jul 2010, 4:34 pm
I have a really old light and one of the things I find is when the fuse is going bad, that may be what's affecting the light.

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