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report abuse | report copyright infringementaquarium fish forum / New members / newbie 2 fish
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891's avatar kymmie
#1 Posted 28 Jun 2009, 6:43 am
hiya so glad i found this site, need little help with the tropical fish side of life.

but i was just woundering can you put aquatic frogs in with fish?

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22's avatar mickey
#2 Posted 28 Jun 2009, 7:25 am
I know of a few keepers that do this, just make sure the frogs are not the clawed species and that they are kept with other peaceful tank mates

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891's avatar kymmie
#3 Posted 30 Jun 2009, 12:30 am
so guppies and tetras will be an okay community to put it with then + is there any percific breed you could recommend at all?


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