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Discus food

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Next topic (started later): Preparing frozen food for fishPrevious topic (started earlier): Does not exist
11's avatar anonymous
#1 Posted 01 May 2008, 8:54 am
Greetings to all discus keepers Biggrin ,

There are only a few good recipes for Discus fish on the internet. However, these fish keepers don’t want to share their experiences, since they want their Discus to look the best. On the other hand, why to hide good tips? Ohmy

Here’s my recipe:

250 g of beef heart without leaders
1/2 of garlic nipple, 2x mangled
1 some multivitamin pill, completly flatten into powder
2 squares of frozen spinach (1.5cm x 1.5cm)

Carve the beef heart into squares and remove the leaders. Then put all squares into freezer. When frozen, grate it and let it be for a few minutes. Add garlic and mix it together. Then add the multivitamin pill and always mix.

Let the frozen spinach defrost and add it to the mixture later. When finished, let it be for about 3 hours under some pan.

Store it in the freezer and dose it as required.

It takes about 1 hour of work and my Discus love it Heart .


Original post: December 17, 2006, 5:18 am
this account was created by admin because at old forums it was possible to post as anonymous long time ago
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14's avatar Ackerz
#2 Posted 01 May 2008, 9:07 am
I told thid recipe to my Auntie who keeps Discus and just happend to have all of the ingredients(Wierd!!!) After about an hour or so of prepration we fed the mixture to the discus. They adored it Tongue Heart
You should make more amazing recipes and publish them.
From Ackerz. Biggrin
Definatly one for devoted discus fans. cheers Jeniffer
11's avatar anonymous
#3 Posted 01 May 2008, 9:10 am

I’m glad that my recipe is good for others’ fish too Goodgrief . I wish I had another good recipe (something unique), so I’m now trying to "mix" something newSmile. If I create something GR8, I will publish it immediatelly Wink .
this account was created by admin because at old forums it was possible to post as anonymous long time ago

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