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goldfish and plants/guppy PLEASE HELP!!!

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report abuse | report copyright infringementaquarium fish forum / HELP! / goldfish and plants/guppy PLEASE HELP!!!
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52's avatar procharger
#1 Posted 04 May 2008, 7:39 pm
ok im new to owning fish i bought 7 goldfish about a month ago two have died since then but i just upgraded to a 10gallon tank my goldfish are really healthy and look great but i want to get some guppies so that i can breed them but i heard that you needed to have a floating plant so that the babys can hide from there parents but i also heard that goldfish die from being over feed and that they love to eat the plants so is there a plant that goldfish dont eat but guppys can hide in it???

original post: August 17, 2007, 9:48 am
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53's avatar lamber26
#2 Posted 04 May 2008, 7:41 pm
In response to the breeding of guppys, you don’t have to have a floating plant. You can get a fry net or container from a pet store. I have the net and it wroks ok but trying to get the mama out with all the babies in it makes it difficult. Also you run the risk of the mama being ready to give birth again before the babies are ready to go into the tank. I’m not sure how they do with goldfish though. Good Luck!

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