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help needed as fast as possible!!!!111

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report abuse | report copyright infringementaquarium fish forum / HELP! / help needed as fast as possible!!!!111
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634's avatar sham
#1 Posted 12 Mar 2009, 11:17 pm
i have a long finned oscar about a foot long in 3ft*2ft*2ft tank ,i have it since 4-5 yrs .now suddenly the water turned cloudly even though i cleaned it many fish is gasping for air and does not want to eat anything .moreover there r some small germs in my tank which does not go away.

pls help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!

any suggestions!!

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22's avatar mickey
#2 Posted 14 Mar 2009, 12:46 am
how much filtration are you using at its obviously not strong enough to keep up with the oscars waste. I would consider upgrading to a four foot tank as well

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634's avatar sham
#3 Posted 18 Mar 2009, 7:30 am
surely i would do tat anyways thank u so much

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