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1695's avatar Piggy32399
#1 Posted 23 Jan 2011, 6:14 pm
Hey I'm new. I just wanted to say hi. I have a pet betta fish and soon I'll have a few snails too. And anyone else who is then welcome. Bye
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1700's avatar Lowyatar
#2 Posted 23 Jan 2011, 11:12 pm
Hello, I am new here myself. I started with Betta splendens myself. They are very interesting fish and have kept them individually (as it has been difficult to find the females in my local pet stores) in a community tank. Where they did really will. Well, at least until they passed away anyway.

I tried snails but my gouramis thought they were such wonderful snacks that they unfortunately did not last long.
I may be a bit peculiar.


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