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White spots

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report abuse | report copyright infringementaquarium fish forum / HELP! / White spots
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11's avatar anonymous
#1 Posted 02 May 2008, 4:21 pm
I have a 20 gallon tank with 5 red parrots (12 x 7 cm), 1 cichlid, 1 tera and 1 small red head cichlid. Last Friday, they seemed gathered together and ate nothing ( after the change of 1/3 of tank water and my husband forgot to turn on the filter). We found white sports on fins so we removed all fishes into a small tank so that we put some medication every alternative day for 5 days without changing the water. Yesterday, we found the fishes looked better so we started to feed them some flakes, however they were not eating and after 1/2 hour, we found all fishes turn over and 1 tera even died. I was thinking the water in the small tank might be too dirty, so I changed rest of the fish back to their normal tank, but 1 cichlid and 2 big parrots died after that. Meanwhile the survivals situation seems unstable and white spots all over. What can I do? Please help and advise! I am so desperately.
March 22, 2007

original post: March 22, 2007, 12:40 pm
this account was created by admin because at old forums it was possible to post as anonymous long time ago
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15's avatar Wampa
#2 Posted 02 May 2008, 4:22 pm
If you are sure that it is White spot try this. Increase temperature to 27-29 °C. You must use compresed air with airstone. And use salt. Use 50 gram salt on 100 litres of water. I dont know which medicament you used but try classic FMC. And read this my article
Ing. Patrik Ruzic
11's avatar anonymous
#3 Posted 02 May 2008, 4:22 pm
Thanks for your advice. Can I go to any aquarium store and ask for FMC?
this account was created by admin because at old forums it was possible to post as anonymous long time ago
15's avatar Wampa
#4 Posted 02 May 2008, 4:23 pm
Yes. Can be that the name of medicament will be different but main part of medicament must be FMC.
Ing. Patrik Ruzic

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