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why we shouldnt overfeed our fish

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report abuse | report copyright infringementaquarium fish forum / Freshwater aquariums / why we shouldnt overfeed our fish
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22's avatar mickey
#1 Posted 29 May 2008, 10:05 pm
when we are new to this hobby one of the biggest temptations is to overfeed our fish.They always look hungry we say,keep them hungry,keeps them happy Biggrin
Fish will continue to eat anything and everything if given the chance-not good.
problems caused by overfeeding:-
Ammonia and nitrites are increased as uneaten food breaks down
As food decays it needs oxygen from the water to continue the process,this leaves less oxygen for the fish to breathe.
Acids are a result of food decay,this will lower the ph
As the water quality decreases it can lead to illnesses in the fish as they become stressed.
Algal growth will increase as excess nutrients are released into the water

Stick to regular feeding times,work out a routine and feed sparingly ,your fish will not suffer.
In my tanks there is one day per week when I give the fish no food at all, this helps to clear out their digestive systems and keeps them healthy.

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