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keeping venomous fish

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report abuse | report copyright infringementaquarium fish forum / Saltwater section / keeping venomous fish
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22's avatar mickey
#1 Posted 03 Jun 2008, 10:05 pm
When I had my reef tank running,one of my most cherished additions were a pair of fuzzy dwarf lionfish.But I did not jump straight in when I decided to puirchase them.These fish are venomous and should be treated with respect.Inexperienced keepers should look elsewhere for stock before getting any of these.
The ironic thing is that if they are left to their own devices they are the most peaceful fish you can buy,it is when they have been disturbed they are at there most lethal.
Never just place your hand straight into the tank without making some form of partition between yourself and the fish,perspex sheeting or egg crate is ideal.
If you are unlucky enough to be stung it is extremely painful and can lead to temporary paralysis of the limb.
treatment required is straight away wash the site of the sting in very hot water for 30 minutes.Once the pain eases go straight to hospital for medical advise.
The pain usually disappears after a day but the swelling will take longer.
There are many species of venomous fish so please be aware when buying them of the risks involved.I have never been stung by them but a lot of people have.

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