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African Dwarf Frog in trouble?

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report abuse | report copyright infringementaquarium fish forum / HELP! / African Dwarf Frog in trouble?
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1030's avatar RonnieF
#1 Posted 14 Sep 2009, 7:51 am
I just recently got 2 African Dwarf Frogs. They are both very active sometimes, and very lethargic at others. Sometimes they tuck their arms and legs into their body and float at the surface (this has only happened a very few times), is that normal or are they hurting?

The main problem is that one of my frogs' skin looks almost transparent on the bottom. Her bottom side is almost pink and I can see what I assume are bones or veins inside her. She is much lighter than the other one naturally so maybe her skin is just lighter, but I am worried about disease and things of that nature. Is she OK???
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1095's avatar grntex
#2 Posted 25 Oct 2009, 8:10 pm
hi I dont claim to no a lot about these frogs but I also have 2 of these entertaining little fellows and have had them for almost a year in wich they have doubled in size,they can be lathargic and yet crazy at times and so I have heard thats natural,more active at night actually,mine actually sing to each other at night! lol but they actually float at the surface with there arms down to get air, they take a big gulp of air and can actually breathe it for hours to cut down on this get an air pump(if you dont have one) and make sure your water level is not much more than 12 inches put floating plants on the top so they have something to grab onto when getting air, the skin color is probably one is eating all the food,try bloodworms and turtle pellets it works for mine,have you ever picked them up they dont feel like normal frogs they actually feel like a glob of jelly,in case you didnt no they are practally blind and hunt by smell and vibration,well good luck I hope my mumbling helps

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